How it all started...
Arlie Francis became a follower of Jesus in 1971, a product of the Jesus revolution. The day he came to faith in Jesus, a young man who prayed with Arlie said, "It's my job to show you what walking with Jesus looks like." Discipleship became his passion. From 2004 to 2011, Arlie served at Ariel Ministries. During that time, the Lord began to impress on him the need for a simple disciple-making process that would empower everyday folks to make disciples who make disciples. Following a two-week tour of Israel, Arlie resigned from Ariel Ministries. Together with his wife, Noemi, Disciple Daily was founded in February 2011.
Keith Myer and his wife, Alice, served at T-Bar-M Camps in New Braunfels, Texas. Keith was the director of a nine-month discipleship program called the Timothy Team, a life-on-life residential discipleship experience. Arlie and Keith co-led sixteen Timothy Team tours of Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. They had dreamed and prayed about serving the Lord together. Jesus used COVID to make it happen.
Keith Myer and his wife, Alice, served at T-Bar-M Camps in New Braunfels, Texas. Keith was the director of a nine-month discipleship program called the Timothy Team, a life-on-life residential discipleship experience. Arlie and Keith co-led sixteen Timothy Team tours of Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. They had dreamed and prayed about serving the Lord together. Jesus used COVID to make it happen.

Disciple Daily is a community of Bible storytelling Disciple-makers.

We study together.
We practice Together.
We teach together.
For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord and to practice it, and to teach His ordinances and statutes in Israel. - Ezra 7:10
Go, make disciples of all nations..., teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you - Matthew 28:19-20
The things which you have heard from me, in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. - 2 Timothy 2:2
Disciple Daily is a catalyst of Disciple-making movements.
In 2011, Arlie was introduced to a community of counter-cultural disciples laboring together in the countries of the old Soviet Union. He was asked to start traveling to these countries and teaching people to use our Bible storytelling strategy. In December 2015, he was privileged to join a strategic meeting with almost 300 Eurasian sports ministry disciplers. That invitation changed everything.
We now have active Bible storytelling disciplers across Eurasia in Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Disciplers are hard at work on the Pacific Rim in the Philippines, South Korea, and Malaysia. In June of 2023, we trained 21 bush pastors in Zambia. Closer to home, Bible storyline disciplers laboring in Mexico, Panama, and Peru. Last year, the Lord used the Disciple Daily community to reach people on every continent (except Antarctica) in over 120 countries, including Israel and Egypt.
This global reach is a testament to the collective efforts of our supporters and volunteers, making them an integral part of our disciple-making movement. These dedicated individuals have significantly impacted their communities, sharing the Gospel and making disciples who make disciples.
We now have active Bible storytelling disciplers across Eurasia in Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Disciplers are hard at work on the Pacific Rim in the Philippines, South Korea, and Malaysia. In June of 2023, we trained 21 bush pastors in Zambia. Closer to home, Bible storyline disciplers laboring in Mexico, Panama, and Peru. Last year, the Lord used the Disciple Daily community to reach people on every continent (except Antarctica) in over 120 countries, including Israel and Egypt.
This global reach is a testament to the collective efforts of our supporters and volunteers, making them an integral part of our disciple-making movement. These dedicated individuals have significantly impacted their communities, sharing the Gospel and making disciples who make disciples.
the seeds we cast on foreign soil
is producing a harvest in the united states.
Today, the investment Disciple Daily made in Eurasia is producing dividends in America. Fourth-generation disciplers from Moldova are now coming to the United States and bringing what they were taught on basketball courts in Chisinau. They are missionaries to America, serving as student leaders on high school and college campuses in four states! Their impact on their host communities is undeniable. We pray that God will use them to produce fifth-generation disciples here at home, where reproductive Jesus followers are desperately needed.
In the Texas Hill Country, Disciple Daily hosts a year-long, residentially based, disciple-making school called The Fellowship at the Lone Oak Retreat. There, a select group of single adults embark on a transformative journey that equips them with knowledge, transforms their hearts and minds, and prepares them to be next-generation leaders who will continue the mission of making Bible storytelling disciples. The Fellowship's model is a hopeful beacon for nations in need, embodying Disciple Daily's mission verse, Ezra 7:10.
In the Texas Hill Country, Disciple Daily hosts a year-long, residentially based, disciple-making school called The Fellowship at the Lone Oak Retreat. There, a select group of single adults embark on a transformative journey that equips them with knowledge, transforms their hearts and minds, and prepares them to be next-generation leaders who will continue the mission of making Bible storytelling disciples. The Fellowship's model is a hopeful beacon for nations in need, embodying Disciple Daily's mission verse, Ezra 7:10.

So, What is Disciple daily?
We are a cross-cultural, multi-national, multi-generational community of Jesus' disciples using the Bible's big story to make disciples of all nations here, near, and far away. Geographical, cultural, ethnic, and denominational boundaries do not separate us. We are united in our mission to spread the Gospel as 21st-century descendants of Jesus' 1st-century disciples.
Would you consider joining this global revolution? All our training resources are offered free to disciple-makers everywhere, made possible only because of the generous support of people like you. Your contribution, whether through prayer, financial support, or active participation, is invaluable to us and greatly appreciated.
Would you consider joining this global revolution? All our training resources are offered free to disciple-makers everywhere, made possible only because of the generous support of people like you. Your contribution, whether through prayer, financial support, or active participation, is invaluable to us and greatly appreciated.