Read Acts 2:42-47. Have you ever wondered what discipleship looked like in the 1st Century, when the people of the Way discipled others where they lived, worked, and played daily?  We once heard a pastor ask, "Do you think it's possible for the Church to go back to the way it was in the beginning?" Our answer was (and still is) "YES!"  This is your opportunity to discover how Disciple Daily is going back to the future with the Fellowship Team.

2025 Team Reports

Each week, the team produces a report about what they are studying and how they are practicing the daily disciplines of being a disciple of Jesus.

Some Weeks it's a VLOG.

Applicant Qualifications

The Fellowship is a small group of Jesus' followers living together as a community at Lone Oak Retreat in New Braunfels, Texas. Over eight months, they discover how to study, practice, and teach others the spiritual disciplines identified in Acts 2:42-47.
  • Jesus' follower
  • 22-26 years old, single, and ready to adult
  • Four years of college or a strong work ethic/history
  • Self-aware, humbly teachable

If hearing  "Well done, My good and faithful servant" is what you long to hear following a lifetime of making disciples, this could be the most important eight months of your life.

What We Provide

Disciple Daily's financial partners fund the Fellowship program, which costs about $25,000 per person. God's generous people provide The Fellowship team with housing, food, books, travel, activities, and a few surprises.   
Our leadership team (Arlie & Noemí Francis, Keith & Alice Myer, Lori Thompson) is ready to invest their lives in yours. We think this is a pretty sweet deal for a select few.  We are now accepting applications for the January/August 2026 team.

Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.

Our disciple-making model is revealed in the Gospels and the Book of Acts. This eight-month discipleship school operates in a home environment where your understanding of God's eternal plan for the world and His image bearers will be stretched and strengthened. It will equip you as an intentionally reproductive disciple of Jesus to be better fathers, mothers, neighbors, and workers in fields ready for harvest but lacking in laborers.  You will gain practical resume-building experience at the Lone Oak Retreat property and in our local community. Domestic and international cross-cultural ministry is part of our program.
My time as a teamer provided  Biblical training I haven't found elsewhere.  My courage to question difficult issues was encouraged in the context of a daily community.  This discipleship model works! To this day,  Arlie still answers my questions.

Kyle, a former teamer
My time with Arlie and Keith provided invaluable Biblical training.  In a world where Christians are tempted to pick and choose what parts of the Bible they believe, Disciple Daily's storyline training is vital. It changed my life.

Alexis, a former teamer
I once believed that what made me who I am made me sufficient to cooperate with my team. I am not enough. God's love through me was the only way to unite with them. The Fellowship program changed my perspective on loving others.

Keyshawn, a former teamer
Seeing Keith in his daily walk as a father and husband was a great example of something  I hadn't had in my own life. Now, with two kids and a wife, those things I observed in Keith have helped to shape how I fill those roles in my family.

Jon, a former teamer