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Out of 7,957 verses in the New Testament, there are 283 quotations from the Old Testament. There are no New Testament verses quoted in the Old Testament. Reading and studying the Bible as God intended requires disciples of Jesus to interpret the Bible how He taught His disciples to interpret it, from Genesis through Malachi.
Jesus taught His disciples how to use Old Testament prophecy in their New Testament writing. One of my disciplers, Steve Troxel, said: "When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense. If you do, it (Bible) will all become nonsense!" The key that unlocks correct Bible interpretation is always to ask this question. "What were the original author's literal, historical, geographical, and cultural contexts?"
The best thing you could do for yourself, your family, and those you disciple is to help them grasp the Bible's big story from beginning to end. Laying a foundation of the Bible's overall Jewish narrative will vaccinate you against damaging interceptive diseases. The resources on this page may seem simple, even childish. But don't make the mistake of dismissing them. Follow this plan, and very quickly, you will lay a solid foundation for the personal study of the Bible. Complicated passages, even Revelation, will begin to make sense.
Jesus taught His disciples how to use Old Testament prophecy in their New Testament writing. One of my disciplers, Steve Troxel, said: "When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense. If you do, it (Bible) will all become nonsense!" The key that unlocks correct Bible interpretation is always to ask this question. "What were the original author's literal, historical, geographical, and cultural contexts?"
The best thing you could do for yourself, your family, and those you disciple is to help them grasp the Bible's big story from beginning to end. Laying a foundation of the Bible's overall Jewish narrative will vaccinate you against damaging interceptive diseases. The resources on this page may seem simple, even childish. But don't make the mistake of dismissing them. Follow this plan, and very quickly, you will lay a solid foundation for the personal study of the Bible. Complicated passages, even Revelation, will begin to make sense.
Talk Thru the Old Testament
Jesus is found on every page of the Old Testament if you know how to look for Him. The Old Testament lays the foundation for the life of Jesus, the ministry of the Apostles, the Epistles, and Revelation. Take your time and work through the Old Testament lessons below. DO NOT START WITH THE NEW TESTAMENT LESSONS.
1. Memorize the hand-signs and keywords for the major people and events of the Old Testament in order.
2. Each lesson includes a brief explainer video and a lesson plan to use in training your disciples..
3. Your objective is to train the disciples Jesus has entrusted to you to do what you are doing with them.
4. Don't forget to have some fun!
1. Memorize the hand-signs and keywords for the major people and events of the Old Testament in order.
2. Each lesson includes a brief explainer video and a lesson plan to use in training your disciples..
3. Your objective is to train the disciples Jesus has entrusted to you to do what you are doing with them.
4. Don't forget to have some fun!
Talk Thru the New Testament
The New Testament is concealed in the Old Testament. The Old Testament is revealed in the New Testament. Now that you have learned the Old Testament material, you are ready to tackle the New Testament. You will be surprised by how much more you are understanding because you took the time to lay a good foundation.
1. Memorize the hand-signs and keywords for the major people and events of the New Testament in order.
2. Each lesson includes a brief explainer video and a lesson plan to use in training your disciples..
3. Your objective is to train the disciples Jesus has entrusted to you to do what you are doing with them.
4. Again, don't forget to have some fun!
1. Memorize the hand-signs and keywords for the major people and events of the New Testament in order.
2. Each lesson includes a brief explainer video and a lesson plan to use in training your disciples..
3. Your objective is to train the disciples Jesus has entrusted to you to do what you are doing with them.
4. Again, don't forget to have some fun!
The Stories of God
After you have completed the lessons above, you are ready for a bigger challenge. There are twelve stories in the Stories of God collection. Each story can be told in 3-5 minutes. Learn to tell them all and when you are finished, you will be able to tell the big story of the Bible back to back in a little over an hour.
1. Each story has a number of Talking Points. You will find the Talking Points below each video.
2. Learn to use your own words to tell the story's Talking Points.
3. There are two memory verses for each story. Memorize those verses and quote them exactly in the proper place during your telling of the story.
4. Like always, have some fun!
1. Each story has a number of Talking Points. You will find the Talking Points below each video.
2. Learn to use your own words to tell the story's Talking Points.
3. There are two memory verses for each story. Memorize those verses and quote them exactly in the proper place during your telling of the story.
4. Like always, have some fun!