The Joyful Journey

Author - Emma Stanley

Howdy friends, it's good to be establishing a routine in these blogs again! It's been a crazy week that's been preceded by crazy weeks and will probably follow in more crazy weeks. We are preparing for all the happenings that are to come in the short few months before our Summer Serve.

Today, I want to chat about something that has been on my heart lately. That’s mostly because it's been our blog prompt for the week, but I also intentionally left this one for last. It’s about the incredible adventure of finding and teaching new disciples to follow Jesus. It's truly a journey filled with love, growth, and joy. So, grab a cup of coffee and let's dive in!

First things first, let me tell you why I am so passionate about this topic. As a disciple of Jesus, I have experienced the transformative power of His love in my own life. The joy, peace, and purpose that comes from walking with Him is indescribable. It's like finding a hidden treasure that you just can't keep to yourself.

When we encounter Jesus and decide to follow Him, we get to become His disciples. But our journey doesn't end there. Jesus calls us to share this life-changing message of love and salvation with others, that they too may experience the same freedom and joy we have found in Him.

Finding new disciples starts with being intentional in our relationships. It's about cultivating genuine connections with people and creating a safe space for them to expand their knowledge and understanding of their faith. We don't have to have all the answers, but we can offer a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and a heart full of compassion.

For me, it began with my friend, who we'll call Sarah. We had known each other for years, but I never had the courage to bring up my faith. She'd always known I was a Christian but I had never gone deeper than that. One day, I felt a nudge that I now recognize as the Holy Spirit, urging me to open up. I shared my own journey with Jesus and how He had transformed my life. To my surprise, Sarah was intrigued and curious to learn more. We were able to start a new side to our friendship that allowed us the space to discuss Jesus, His love and ministry.

Teaching others to follow Jesus is not about forcing our beliefs upon them. It's about sharing the incredible story of God's love, grace, and redemption. We can do this through personal testimonies, sharing Scripture, and simply living out our faith authentically.

As disciples, we are called to be like Jesus. He didn't just sit in a synagogue and wait for people to come to Him; He went out into the world, meeting people where they were. Likewise, we need to step out of our comfort zones and engage with others in their everyday lives.

One of the most effective ways to teach new disciples is through small groups or discipleship communities. These groups provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to ask questions, share struggles, and grow together. It's a place where we can encourage one another, pray for and love on each other while learning of the "duties" of a disciple of Jesus, so that we can continue to expand the kingdom of Heaven together.

So go and make disciples, open those spaces for questions and discussions and connections so that we can equip one another in the teachings of Jesus to love radically!!

Also, if I could be so bold as to ask for prayer for our team? For healing and restoration, for continued conversations and transparency. That we would approach life and each other with the same radical love we've been shown by our Holy Father, especially as we approach our upcoming trips.

1 Comment

pooja roy - April 8th, 2024 at 1:24am

Really like your contents..

This blog guide me to make my own blog.




