
Make no mistake. Do not be deceived. The birth of Jesus was an act of war. He was born to die!

Before anything on earth was made, God created the heavenly host of angels, cherubim, and seraphim. Their purpose, as is ours, was to worship and glorify God forever. They rejoiced with one voice as the Lord spoke this world into being (Job 38:7).

But it was too good to last. A spiritual war broke out in heaven. It corrupted Creation. "Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was over the surface of the waters (Genesis 1:2)." Into the broken, chaotic darkness, God said, "Let there be light." The Light was everywhere. But God will not force Himself on anyone.

Satan convinced one-third of the heavenly host that they could wrest control from their Creator. The result? They went to jail; they were exiled from His presence. Throughout the next 4,000 years, darkness held Creation captive. Like the rebellious heavenly host, humanity continually chose darkness over the Light. Thankfully, that is not the end of the story.

From the Garden of Eden to the birth of Jesus, Jewish prophets proclaimed that Satan's power over this world would one day come to an end. The stage had been set. It was inevitable. "When of the fulness of the time came(Galatians 4:4), God sent forth His Son." When God took on human flesh as a baby, it was a declaration of war. On the night of his birth, the sky over Bethlehem burst forth with Light. Shepherds tending their sheep in nearby fields could not look away. Darkness cannot compete with Light.

The shepherds, obedient to the call, left the fields to find the long-awaited Messiah of Israel, the world's Savior. When they found Him, they worshipped the baby alone. No wise men were present that night; they would come much later.

Please don't miss the point. Light defeats darkness. The Gospel of John tells the world that Jesus is the Creator and the Light of Men. He offers Himself as the victor over the darkness each human being experiences. Right now, there is still time, but everybody must choose. Not choosing Light over the dark is a choice for the dark. The Light is life. The dark is death. Each of us is responsible for our own choice.

Jesus' birth was a declaration of war. The end of this mess we have made of everything is around the corner. Which side are you on?

 Be The Light

This is my neighborhood. I have been praying for forty households by name for over three years. Tonight, Christmas Eve, every household has been invited to our house to share hot chocolate, cookies, and a few Christmas carols. Neighbors will hear the "Story of Light" before they make luminarias (paper lunch bags, two cups of sand, a tea light) and place them around our yard. They will fill the night with light.

Join us today in becoming a "Light" in your neighborhood. You can start blessing your neighbors today and tomorrow in five easy steps. Find out how now!

Arlie & Noemí Francis
Co-Founders of Disciple Daily 
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Sabrina Smith - December 26th, 2024 at 5:19pm

Thank you for showing us a simple strategy to bring our friends and neighbors to hear the message of our Lord God, and His bringing of light into this dark world. Blessings to you both and Merry Christmas!!

- December 26th, 2024 at 8:29pm



nI appreciate your note and am grateful for your support of this work.



