February 27th, 2024
by Keyshawn Parkman
by Keyshawn Parkman

Author - Keyshawn Parkman
We’re headed out on our second trip of the year in a few days and I couldn’t be more excited. For the past few weeks we’ve been training and practicing to be able to deliver the gospel. The days here have become warmer and the nights cooler. Many people have asked me about this program, what we do and what we’re learning and I believe it’s super important to talk about. I’m determined to bring everything I’m learning here and share it with people from my church and friends and family. Simply put—discipleship is our main focus and the most valuable thing we’re learning here on the property. I’ll be sharing within the next few paragraphs what a typical day in our lives look like but I’ll share in the context of how these experiences have grown me in Christ.
One of the biggest accomplishments I’ve made this year so far personally is being able to wake up early. Coming from a job where I’d work weekends night shift, my sleep schedule was all off and I struggled to wake up before 8 am. By the grace of God, sheer determination and a bit of magnesium, I’ve managed to create a habit of waking up around 6 to 6:30 Am. I’ve grown to love my mornings, as this is where I root myself in the Word for the day. I used to work out during this time, but became convicted from putting my fleshly growth before my spiritual growth. I’ve become encouraged to also learn that Jesus spent his time with his father to recharge and gain guidance and direction early in the morning too. This simple habit has changed my life.
Next on our to do list for the day is a morning Bible study followed by our “Selah” time and usually more curriculum. I’ve learned so much from our morning readings as we’ve been reading through the Bible chapter by chapter. God has used this time to speak to me and encourage me frequently. You’d be amazed at how on time a certain scripture would pertain to a situation happening in my life and how God will use it to minister to me. Our Selah time is valuable to me because it allows me to think over what we had just spoken about during our reading. I take this time mostly to pray for understanding. This time is valuable to me because it might be the only time in my life where a program pays me to talk to God!
During our curriculum time, we’re mostly focused on reviewing books we’ve read and discussing discipleship. There’s been plenty of big ideas I’ve grabbed from these sessions such as the fact that in our new covenant with God with the Holy Spirit—he no longer has a cause and effect relationship with us! Another big idea I’ve learned is that a true disciple of Christ gives himself wholly to Christ, everything he has and owns belongs to him! While these may seem like simple and repeated concepts to some—being able to meditate and chew on these concepts has been refreshing, encouraging, and challenging at times. But I’ve grown tremendously from it!
After our lunch time our day kind of varies, depending on the day we’ll either do some work around the property or visit with Arlie, one of our directors. Arlie has been teaching us hand signs that can take people through the entire narrative of the Bible in under 5 minutes! We’ve learned how to tell a few stories from these hand signs and have been practicing how to communicate them well. I’m excited to take what we’ve learned along with the material we’ve received to Oaxaca to spread the gospel! There’s been a few aspects of learning that have genuinely challenged me, but honestly that’s why I’m here, to be challenged and grow. Everything we’ve learned has been to equip us to go out and teach others how to be disciples of Christ.
One of the most challenging parts of my day is when we do work around the property. We’ve been building sukkahs, or Jewish tents that heavily resemble cabins towards the back of our property. While it’s been fun building, it’s been challenging as I’ve genuinely never built anything before. I’ve had to learn from the ground up different tools and how to use them, how to nail, how to screw, and to use a saw and cut wood. I’ve learned how to screw in a tin roof, how to discern different screw heads, the list goes on. I’ve been discouraged greatly in this area because I’m the only one who hasn’t really learned how to do any of this from an experiential standpoint. But, again, I’ve experienced tremendous grace and patience from my team here.
Our days come and go fast and I understand more now than I have all year how quick this program will fly by. I know I’ll look back on this year as a year God has done a great work in my life and in my heart. My biggest focus now is slowing down. A huge tendency for my generation is to move fast, in how we think and how we do things. My fellowship with God and being able to hear his voice and understand his cadence has come when I genuinely slow down and look for him, and I’ll continue to seek him this way for the rest of my life.
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