February 27th, 2024
by The Fellowship Team
by The Fellowship Team
2023/2024 Fellowship Team
Mission Mexico - Oaxaca
FINAL REPORT: Tuesday, March 20th
"Wow! What an amazing trip God gave us. As I reflect on our time in Oaxaca a little over a week ago, I want to wrap up the trip with a few thoughts."
Check out our trip pictures and read Keith's closing comments on The Fellowship's mission in Mexico below!
"Wow! What an amazing trip God gave us. As I reflect on our time in Oaxaca a little over a week ago, I want to wrap up the trip with a few thoughts."
Check out our trip pictures and read Keith's closing comments on The Fellowship's mission in Mexico below!
FINAL REPORT: Tuesday, March 20th
From Keith Myer, Fellowship Team Director
First, every year, we do a mission trip with our discipleship team so that they can experience sharing their faith with other people. Each year, as part of our daily Bible reading, we pause our normal chronological reading and jump to the Book of Acts. Nothing is more applicable than reading about the plights of the early church while on our own mission to expand that kingdom. If you know anything about the Book of Acts, you will be familiar with the idea that it is about the "acts" of the Holy Spirit. The book is not about any one person like Peter or Paul but about how the Spirit of God guides, directs, and builds His church. Looking back on our trip reminds me of the "acts" of the Spirit.
It began when the Spirit changed our plans and, through seemingly unrelated events, caused us to switch our normal February Israel trip to our normal April mission trip. He also changed our planned location from Panama to Oaxaca. Further, He rearranged the participants of our journey to include only three teamers and one ministry partner from Ukraine. That was all before we even left.
While on the trip, the Spirit led us to several church members' homes who needed a word from God, a couple of soccer camps with kids who needed to see Christ in tennis shoes, and a few church services in which we got to deliver a message to His people, as well as a small group of pastors who needed a little bit of encouragement from their brothers and sisters from the north. All are orchestrated by the author of our lives, God himself. What a thrill to be used by God to minister to the world.
Secondly, I must mention the incredible opportunity of seeing one of our former discipleship teamers (Cisco Villasenor) from 2003 living out his calling as a missionary, teacher, and pastor. Sometimes, God allows us to see the fruit of our labor to help us remember that it's not in vain. What an encouragement.
Finally, as usual, each mission trip I am part of reminds me that this is how every day should be lived. To get up in the morning and think of how I can share the Gospel today is truly the way God intended for us to be on a mission every day, not just while on a trip. Oh, that would be my heart every day. I am on a mission for God every day, all day, all the time.
From Keith Myer, Fellowship Team Director
First, every year, we do a mission trip with our discipleship team so that they can experience sharing their faith with other people. Each year, as part of our daily Bible reading, we pause our normal chronological reading and jump to the Book of Acts. Nothing is more applicable than reading about the plights of the early church while on our own mission to expand that kingdom. If you know anything about the Book of Acts, you will be familiar with the idea that it is about the "acts" of the Holy Spirit. The book is not about any one person like Peter or Paul but about how the Spirit of God guides, directs, and builds His church. Looking back on our trip reminds me of the "acts" of the Spirit.
It began when the Spirit changed our plans and, through seemingly unrelated events, caused us to switch our normal February Israel trip to our normal April mission trip. He also changed our planned location from Panama to Oaxaca. Further, He rearranged the participants of our journey to include only three teamers and one ministry partner from Ukraine. That was all before we even left.
While on the trip, the Spirit led us to several church members' homes who needed a word from God, a couple of soccer camps with kids who needed to see Christ in tennis shoes, and a few church services in which we got to deliver a message to His people, as well as a small group of pastors who needed a little bit of encouragement from their brothers and sisters from the north. All are orchestrated by the author of our lives, God himself. What a thrill to be used by God to minister to the world.
Secondly, I must mention the incredible opportunity of seeing one of our former discipleship teamers (Cisco Villasenor) from 2003 living out his calling as a missionary, teacher, and pastor. Sometimes, God allows us to see the fruit of our labor to help us remember that it's not in vain. What an encouragement.
Finally, as usual, each mission trip I am part of reminds me that this is how every day should be lived. To get up in the morning and think of how I can share the Gospel today is truly the way God intended for us to be on a mission every day, not just while on a trip. Oh, that would be my heart every day. I am on a mission for God every day, all day, all the time.
REPORT: Wednesday, March 6
From Andrii Petrenko
Today was another day that God allowed us to serve the local church and people. The idea was for our group to go around the surrounding neighborhood with church members. We went to the kindergarten, elementary, and middle school to talk with parents who were waiting for their kids. We had enough time to share the Gospel and invite people to a church service during the afternoon. The local church organized drinks, paletas, and other sweets. We had much interest from the parents and their kids. We were able to share the Gospel and give a gospel tracts to many people.
From my perspective, people were very interested to hear from people that don’t look like them. They were very open for us to share with them and some we prayed for as God led.
After the talking to the people at the schools we had lunch and then I stayed with kids to play some soccer. The rest of the group divided in two to visit people at homes.
For me, it was special to pray for a family at the church. They have conflicts and problems in their marriage. The wife has been a believer for 25 years believe and is an active member of the church. Her husband started to attend the church two years ago. Alberto is a mechanic and a former drug addict. He was still addicted to nicotine. His brain functions, but his memory has ben damaged by long time usage of drugs. We talking about finding a man that he would be accountable and absolutely honest with. We prayed for restoration of his family and his body.
At the service Emma shared her testimony and Cesar shared with the congregation from psalm 23 about the Good Shepherd. Unfortunately there were no new people in the church.
We had a good time together at dinner where we had time to thank and encourage our the hosting team.
Please pray for our flights and opportunities to share Jesus even during travels. Pray for our trip as our flights have been delayed.
From Andrii Petrenko
Today was another day that God allowed us to serve the local church and people. The idea was for our group to go around the surrounding neighborhood with church members. We went to the kindergarten, elementary, and middle school to talk with parents who were waiting for their kids. We had enough time to share the Gospel and invite people to a church service during the afternoon. The local church organized drinks, paletas, and other sweets. We had much interest from the parents and their kids. We were able to share the Gospel and give a gospel tracts to many people.
From my perspective, people were very interested to hear from people that don’t look like them. They were very open for us to share with them and some we prayed for as God led.
After the talking to the people at the schools we had lunch and then I stayed with kids to play some soccer. The rest of the group divided in two to visit people at homes.
For me, it was special to pray for a family at the church. They have conflicts and problems in their marriage. The wife has been a believer for 25 years believe and is an active member of the church. Her husband started to attend the church two years ago. Alberto is a mechanic and a former drug addict. He was still addicted to nicotine. His brain functions, but his memory has ben damaged by long time usage of drugs. We talking about finding a man that he would be accountable and absolutely honest with. We prayed for restoration of his family and his body.
At the service Emma shared her testimony and Cesar shared with the congregation from psalm 23 about the Good Shepherd. Unfortunately there were no new people in the church.
We had a good time together at dinner where we had time to thank and encourage our the hosting team.
Please pray for our flights and opportunities to share Jesus even during travels. Pray for our trip as our flights have been delayed.
REPORT: Tuesday, March 5
Hello friends and family, it’s Keyshawn!
Today ends day 6 of our trip. After breakfast in themarketplace, we packed up and cleaned our area. One thing that stood out to us was how well our host team stewarded what they had. Cisco, Pepe, and Jenny made sure that where we stayed was cleaner than we had found it. This demonstrated an important heart posture we need to embrace.
This was mostly a travel day as we spent our last morning in the village. We met a kind hearted woman named Susanita who served us homemade molé! Last night we got word that we’d be serving her.. But she served us! She was super sweet embracing each and every one of us when we were introduced to her. At Susanita’s house, we helped her clean pots and pans and wipe down shelfs. Cysco reminded us of James 1:27 which encourages us to visit orphans and widows in their affliction. She shared briefly with us how her son's wife was dealing with witchcraft and how the daughter living with her was unsaved. We prayed for God to bring salvation and deliverance to her family. We’re so thankful God allowed us to cross paths to pray for and encourage her!
We left her house and headed back to Oaxaca. God gave us safe travels on the return trip. Be praying for us as tomorrow is our last day. We’ll serve in and around the same church we were at on Friday, doing outreach an having a church service at around 6.
We’re so thankful for everyone’s prayers and kind words!
Hello friends and family, it’s Keyshawn!
Today ends day 6 of our trip. After breakfast in themarketplace, we packed up and cleaned our area. One thing that stood out to us was how well our host team stewarded what they had. Cisco, Pepe, and Jenny made sure that where we stayed was cleaner than we had found it. This demonstrated an important heart posture we need to embrace.
This was mostly a travel day as we spent our last morning in the village. We met a kind hearted woman named Susanita who served us homemade molé! Last night we got word that we’d be serving her.. But she served us! She was super sweet embracing each and every one of us when we were introduced to her. At Susanita’s house, we helped her clean pots and pans and wipe down shelfs. Cysco reminded us of James 1:27 which encourages us to visit orphans and widows in their affliction. She shared briefly with us how her son's wife was dealing with witchcraft and how the daughter living with her was unsaved. We prayed for God to bring salvation and deliverance to her family. We’re so thankful God allowed us to cross paths to pray for and encourage her!
We left her house and headed back to Oaxaca. God gave us safe travels on the return trip. Be praying for us as tomorrow is our last day. We’ll serve in and around the same church we were at on Friday, doing outreach an having a church service at around 6.
We’re so thankful for everyone’s prayers and kind words!
REPORT: Monday, March 4th
Hello friends! This is César.
I am writing this sometime in the afternoon. Last night, we arrived at a church in a valley between the mountains of Oaxaca after a 5-hour car ride. When we arrived, we unpacked and set up for the night and promptly crashed out.
This morning, we started with some instant coffee and a Bible reading. We are officially halfway through the Book of Acts. We made our way into town and had breakfast before heading to a local church where Keith, Cisco, and Pepe split off from our group to attend a monthly pastors meeting with about a dozen other men who pastor churches around Oaxaca.
From my understanding, this monthly meeting is an opportunity for teaching and encouragement as these brothers in Christ help lead their communities. The rest of us had the opportunity to do street evangelism downtown, and I want to share a specific interaction that stood out to me.
The team and I approached a woman with her three children seated on a bench, and the youngest was having a minor tantrum. Jenny (our fabulous translator) offered to buy the boy ice cream and struck up a conversation with the woman, along with Emma and Keyshawn. I approached her oldest son, who was about 11, and began talking with him using Google Translate on my phone. At first, we talked about ice cream, Texas and Oaxaca. We started talking about soccer and other interests, and after a few minutes, he asked why I was in Oaxaca.
I told him I came to Oaxaca with a team from Texas to tell as many people as possible about Jesus Christ. I asked to share a story with him, and his face lit up. I pulled out my gospel bead bracelet, and Jenny asked if I could share the story with the whole family. Before I began sharing the story, the oldest boy I had been talking to stated, “I will pay very good attention to your story.” And he did! His whole family was very invested, and I walked through the gospel. At the end of the interaction, I was able to give each of them a bracelet and another little boy who had come over to hear what was being said.
We are taking a small break as we prep for a soccer clinic we are hosting soon, and I can not wait to see how God will continue to show up as we minister to the community in Oaxaca.
We just returned to the church we are staying at in the mountains of Oaxaca. We ran a soccer camp for almost three hours, and it went very well! We hosted close to forty kids and maybe twenty adults. We played games and had good competitions. Keyshawn and I shared the creation story, and Emma shared the gospel beads, and afterward, we handed them out along with some candy for the kids. It was such an encouragement to see all the kids having a good time playing and joking around. They also seemed invested in our stories, and I even got to answer some fun random questions about Texas. Tomorrow we will have more opportunities to share the gospel and I pray God continues to use us as vessels to minister to the people of Oaxaca.
Hello friends! This is César.
I am writing this sometime in the afternoon. Last night, we arrived at a church in a valley between the mountains of Oaxaca after a 5-hour car ride. When we arrived, we unpacked and set up for the night and promptly crashed out.
This morning, we started with some instant coffee and a Bible reading. We are officially halfway through the Book of Acts. We made our way into town and had breakfast before heading to a local church where Keith, Cisco, and Pepe split off from our group to attend a monthly pastors meeting with about a dozen other men who pastor churches around Oaxaca.
From my understanding, this monthly meeting is an opportunity for teaching and encouragement as these brothers in Christ help lead their communities. The rest of us had the opportunity to do street evangelism downtown, and I want to share a specific interaction that stood out to me.
The team and I approached a woman with her three children seated on a bench, and the youngest was having a minor tantrum. Jenny (our fabulous translator) offered to buy the boy ice cream and struck up a conversation with the woman, along with Emma and Keyshawn. I approached her oldest son, who was about 11, and began talking with him using Google Translate on my phone. At first, we talked about ice cream, Texas and Oaxaca. We started talking about soccer and other interests, and after a few minutes, he asked why I was in Oaxaca.
I told him I came to Oaxaca with a team from Texas to tell as many people as possible about Jesus Christ. I asked to share a story with him, and his face lit up. I pulled out my gospel bead bracelet, and Jenny asked if I could share the story with the whole family. Before I began sharing the story, the oldest boy I had been talking to stated, “I will pay very good attention to your story.” And he did! His whole family was very invested, and I walked through the gospel. At the end of the interaction, I was able to give each of them a bracelet and another little boy who had come over to hear what was being said.
We are taking a small break as we prep for a soccer clinic we are hosting soon, and I can not wait to see how God will continue to show up as we minister to the community in Oaxaca.
We just returned to the church we are staying at in the mountains of Oaxaca. We ran a soccer camp for almost three hours, and it went very well! We hosted close to forty kids and maybe twenty adults. We played games and had good competitions. Keyshawn and I shared the creation story, and Emma shared the gospel beads, and afterward, we handed them out along with some candy for the kids. It was such an encouragement to see all the kids having a good time playing and joking around. They also seemed invested in our stories, and I even got to answer some fun random questions about Texas. Tomorrow we will have more opportunities to share the gospel and I pray God continues to use us as vessels to minister to the people of Oaxaca.
REPORT: Sunday, March 3rd
Buenos dias mi amigos, This is Emma.
Today was a day of worship and travel! We had the honor to go to Pepe's church to worship and connect with our brothers and sisters here in Oaxaca. Worship here is so beautiful! It's been such a powerful time to be able to worship so freely amidst two languages, three if you count Andrii's Russian!
I had the opportunity to share my testimony with the church as an introduction to Keyshawn's message. That was my first time sharing my testimony this trip so I was a little nervous but my nerves disappeared as soon as we began worship. When it came time to share the story of what God has done in my life the words came freely and I felt covered in prayer which I can only attribute to y'all back home so I have to thank y'all!
Keyshawn then brought the word and did so with gusto. He explained that he felt the Holy Spirit lead him to Revelations 2 and John 15 that morning and that led him to speak on abiding. Explaining that when we abide we produce fruit and out of the abundance of fruit we get to give. It was exactly what God has been teaching our team through this whole trip and it was such an encouragement to hear Keyshawn speak in obedience to what he felt called to. Once Key prayed us out pastor Pepe asked our team to come to the front and the congregation prayed over us and came up to meet us and offer us any encouragement they could. It was in that moment that a wave of peace and true love covered me and all of the work finally connected in my brain. Our evangelism became tangible to me and these people praying over us were the ones who would water the seeds we were planting. What a joy to love and serve these brothers and sisters.
After, we shared lunch with each other and with much prayer we headed out and prepared for our time in the village where we would spend all Monday and some of Tuesday at. It was a long windy drive full of laughter and joy and learning more about Jenny, Pepe and Cisco! We're glad to have made it here safely and with no car sickness!!
Please continue in prayer as we head to the village and host a soccer camp for kiddos and encourage the pastors in the surrounding village. Pray also for the safety of those who believe as persecution is a much starker reality for all who live here.
Buenos dias mi amigos, This is Emma.
Today was a day of worship and travel! We had the honor to go to Pepe's church to worship and connect with our brothers and sisters here in Oaxaca. Worship here is so beautiful! It's been such a powerful time to be able to worship so freely amidst two languages, three if you count Andrii's Russian!
I had the opportunity to share my testimony with the church as an introduction to Keyshawn's message. That was my first time sharing my testimony this trip so I was a little nervous but my nerves disappeared as soon as we began worship. When it came time to share the story of what God has done in my life the words came freely and I felt covered in prayer which I can only attribute to y'all back home so I have to thank y'all!
Keyshawn then brought the word and did so with gusto. He explained that he felt the Holy Spirit lead him to Revelations 2 and John 15 that morning and that led him to speak on abiding. Explaining that when we abide we produce fruit and out of the abundance of fruit we get to give. It was exactly what God has been teaching our team through this whole trip and it was such an encouragement to hear Keyshawn speak in obedience to what he felt called to. Once Key prayed us out pastor Pepe asked our team to come to the front and the congregation prayed over us and came up to meet us and offer us any encouragement they could. It was in that moment that a wave of peace and true love covered me and all of the work finally connected in my brain. Our evangelism became tangible to me and these people praying over us were the ones who would water the seeds we were planting. What a joy to love and serve these brothers and sisters.
After, we shared lunch with each other and with much prayer we headed out and prepared for our time in the village where we would spend all Monday and some of Tuesday at. It was a long windy drive full of laughter and joy and learning more about Jenny, Pepe and Cisco! We're glad to have made it here safely and with no car sickness!!
Please continue in prayer as we head to the village and host a soccer camp for kiddos and encourage the pastors in the surrounding village. Pray also for the safety of those who believe as persecution is a much starker reality for all who live here.
REPORT: Saturday, March 2nd
Hello friends and family it’s Keyshawn!
After breakfast, we started out our day walking around downtown Oaxaca, visiting with people and doing some shopping. Emma, our translator and friend Jennifer, Andrii and I had the opportunity to talk to a couple from South Dakota about Jesus. Their names were Maria and Kent. We’d love it if you could be praying for them as they didn’t seem to know Jesus as the one true God.
We then prepared for our event for the refugees by making sandwiches and setting up in a park. One of the challenging stories of the day was for Cesar and I as we made our way block by block to spread the message about the event. The problem was we had no translator, just one of the ladies that was helping us serve. We had to use our google translate to speak to her and to the people we reached out to.
The turnout was amazing as we had as many as 40 out of a large crowd people show up to play games, get something to eat and drink, and take some clothes that had been donated. I’m still amazed at how God used us not only to minister and to pray for the homeless people in attendance, but also to pray for the refugees whose dreams were set on making it to America.
We appreciate your prayers and encouragement for us! Tomorrow is a day filled with church services and then toward evening time we’ll set out to the village, God bless!
Hello friends and family it’s Keyshawn!
After breakfast, we started out our day walking around downtown Oaxaca, visiting with people and doing some shopping. Emma, our translator and friend Jennifer, Andrii and I had the opportunity to talk to a couple from South Dakota about Jesus. Their names were Maria and Kent. We’d love it if you could be praying for them as they didn’t seem to know Jesus as the one true God.
We then prepared for our event for the refugees by making sandwiches and setting up in a park. One of the challenging stories of the day was for Cesar and I as we made our way block by block to spread the message about the event. The problem was we had no translator, just one of the ladies that was helping us serve. We had to use our google translate to speak to her and to the people we reached out to.
The turnout was amazing as we had as many as 40 out of a large crowd people show up to play games, get something to eat and drink, and take some clothes that had been donated. I’m still amazed at how God used us not only to minister and to pray for the homeless people in attendance, but also to pray for the refugees whose dreams were set on making it to America.
We appreciate your prayers and encouragement for us! Tomorrow is a day filled with church services and then toward evening time we’ll set out to the village, God bless!
REPORT: Friday, March 1st
Hello friends and family, it’s Keyshawn! We had an event packed day ministering and spreading the gospel! Our day started early with coffee and Bible reading, finishing up the book of acts. We’re finding plenty of wisdom and encouragement reading about how the Holy Spirit used the disciples and praying that He would move through us!
We packed our bags and headed up to a church with a different pastor and split into two teams sharing the Gospel in the surrounding community and inviting them to church! Our pastors was Guuni. He and his wife, Adrianna, led us from door to door. Our challenge for today was the mountain that the town sits on. Emma and I especially had to work it step by step as we climbed up the stairs to get to each house!
We felt super encouraged as God worked through us to invite people to church and a soccer clinic that Andrii would be leading! The clinic was a huge blessing. Around 30 kids showed up for soccer drills and face painting. Between the drills we took breaks and shared our stories from the Bible. It was a huge encouragement for us to see how engaged these kids were as we taught the gospel. They ran with enthusiasm and excitement when we passed out our gospel beads. During the evening, we joined the community at Gunni's church, where Andrii shared his testimony. While Keith gave the sermon for the night, we took the kids and shared more stories from the Bible with them.
Today was super encouraging as we saw God move mightily through us, to see joy in the faces of the kids warmed our hearts tremendously. Tomorrow we’ll start the morning with breakfast around 9 a.m. Afterwards, we’ll head out to do street evangelism! We’ll meet with some refugees around 4 p.m. and share our testimonies.
Hello friends and family, it’s Keyshawn! We had an event packed day ministering and spreading the gospel! Our day started early with coffee and Bible reading, finishing up the book of acts. We’re finding plenty of wisdom and encouragement reading about how the Holy Spirit used the disciples and praying that He would move through us!
We packed our bags and headed up to a church with a different pastor and split into two teams sharing the Gospel in the surrounding community and inviting them to church! Our pastors was Guuni. He and his wife, Adrianna, led us from door to door. Our challenge for today was the mountain that the town sits on. Emma and I especially had to work it step by step as we climbed up the stairs to get to each house!
We felt super encouraged as God worked through us to invite people to church and a soccer clinic that Andrii would be leading! The clinic was a huge blessing. Around 30 kids showed up for soccer drills and face painting. Between the drills we took breaks and shared our stories from the Bible. It was a huge encouragement for us to see how engaged these kids were as we taught the gospel. They ran with enthusiasm and excitement when we passed out our gospel beads. During the evening, we joined the community at Gunni's church, where Andrii shared his testimony. While Keith gave the sermon for the night, we took the kids and shared more stories from the Bible with them.
Today was super encouraging as we saw God move mightily through us, to see joy in the faces of the kids warmed our hearts tremendously. Tomorrow we’ll start the morning with breakfast around 9 a.m. Afterwards, we’ll head out to do street evangelism! We’ll meet with some refugees around 4 p.m. and share our testimonies.
REPORT: Thursday February 29th
Hello friends and family. It’s Keyshawn! We’ve officially been in Oaxaca 24 hours and we’re filled with gratitude! We’re super thankful for all the prayers we’ve received from our prayer team, friends, family, and many more! Before we embarked on our journey to Oaxaca, Arlie read us many of your prayers and we cant express enough how much of an encouragement they were to us!
We landed in Oaxaca late last night around 10:30, ate some food, and prepared for our first day of ministry! Today was packed with house visits. We were super excited to meet the people God had prepared for us! We were led by a pastor in the town named Oriel, and our translators named Jennifer and Fernando. We encountered several very special people. I’d like to share a few moments that really stood out to us.
Our first encounter was with a woman named Mary, whose son recently committed suicide. As we approached her house we felt the heaviness in the air as we joined her in mourning. Emma started by praying for her and encouraging her that God is with her. Keith and I followed by encouraging her that God sees her. César wrote out a special prayer for her! We strongly believe that God used us to comfort and uplift her.
A big theme that stood out for us was the hospitality of the people of Oaxaca. At each house we went to, chairs had been made ready for us. Everyone was eager to give us drinks and snacks. Pastor Oriel had a soft heart for each person we encountered. That was something that stood out to us. For him, as a pastor, to meet each of these individuals to grieve with, encourage, and pray on behalf of reminded me that God often leaves the 99 for the 1. At the end of the day, we had a few moments to give Oriel some encouraging words and pray for him.
Your prayers have been super impactful on the people we’ve been ministering to in Oaxaca! We’ve told each person we’ve came across that we have a group of people praying for them and lifting them up. See their hearts melt at the sound of that brought us joy and encouragement. God is working through all of our prayers! We encourage you to continue praying for us and the people we’ve been ministering to.
Here are the names of the people we encourage you to pray for today: Mary and her brother Eric, Alvarro and his wife Brisi ,his son Alvarro Jr.,his son Santiago, Jarge, Jesus, Juanita, and Jarge Jr. Esther, Lavra, Manuel and Sharon. Isis, violet, Gabriel and Uziel. Jenny and Miguel.
In addition to these people, please keep our next day in prayer! We’ll start our day doing more door to door ministering until around 2 p.m. Then we have a soccer clinic scheduled from 2-4 p.m. We have church in the evening where we hope to give encouragement and share our testimonies. We’re so appreciative of your prayers and encouragement and we can’t wait to share more about how God is moving in our lives!
Hello friends and family. It’s Keyshawn! We’ve officially been in Oaxaca 24 hours and we’re filled with gratitude! We’re super thankful for all the prayers we’ve received from our prayer team, friends, family, and many more! Before we embarked on our journey to Oaxaca, Arlie read us many of your prayers and we cant express enough how much of an encouragement they were to us!
We landed in Oaxaca late last night around 10:30, ate some food, and prepared for our first day of ministry! Today was packed with house visits. We were super excited to meet the people God had prepared for us! We were led by a pastor in the town named Oriel, and our translators named Jennifer and Fernando. We encountered several very special people. I’d like to share a few moments that really stood out to us.
Our first encounter was with a woman named Mary, whose son recently committed suicide. As we approached her house we felt the heaviness in the air as we joined her in mourning. Emma started by praying for her and encouraging her that God is with her. Keith and I followed by encouraging her that God sees her. César wrote out a special prayer for her! We strongly believe that God used us to comfort and uplift her.
A big theme that stood out for us was the hospitality of the people of Oaxaca. At each house we went to, chairs had been made ready for us. Everyone was eager to give us drinks and snacks. Pastor Oriel had a soft heart for each person we encountered. That was something that stood out to us. For him, as a pastor, to meet each of these individuals to grieve with, encourage, and pray on behalf of reminded me that God often leaves the 99 for the 1. At the end of the day, we had a few moments to give Oriel some encouraging words and pray for him.
Your prayers have been super impactful on the people we’ve been ministering to in Oaxaca! We’ve told each person we’ve came across that we have a group of people praying for them and lifting them up. See their hearts melt at the sound of that brought us joy and encouragement. God is working through all of our prayers! We encourage you to continue praying for us and the people we’ve been ministering to.
Here are the names of the people we encourage you to pray for today: Mary and her brother Eric, Alvarro and his wife Brisi ,his son Alvarro Jr.,his son Santiago, Jarge, Jesus, Juanita, and Jarge Jr. Esther, Lavra, Manuel and Sharon. Isis, violet, Gabriel and Uziel. Jenny and Miguel.
In addition to these people, please keep our next day in prayer! We’ll start our day doing more door to door ministering until around 2 p.m. Then we have a soccer clinic scheduled from 2-4 p.m. We have church in the evening where we hope to give encouragement and share our testimonies. We’re so appreciative of your prayers and encouragement and we can’t wait to share more about how God is moving in our lives!
REPORT: Wednesday, February 28th
Every day begins with a time of reading the Bible as a community around the breakfast table. Never touch the world, until the Word has touched you! It is impossible to do spiritual work without spiritual food. This practice will go with the team to Oaxaca, to be modeled before those we are partnering with. Tomorrow morning, they will read with Cisco and his team.
Before leaving the Fellowship House, our team members confessed any known sin and immersed themselves in our backyard mikvah pool. Priests serving God in either the Tabernacle or the Temple regularly submitted to ritual purification. To separate ourselves from the distractions of this environment and enter the service of God on the mission field we follow the patterns we see practiced in the Bible.
From Emma
As we sat around the table this morning for our morning Bible reading, Arlie took the time to share the prayers that so many have begun to pray over us. As he read them, one by one, a wave of peace passed over me. I was in awe at the beautiful prayers that people took the time to share, people I didn't know and people I knew very well. I am in awe by the love that has already been shown to our team. I am beyond grateful and thankful for every form it has taken. We have already seen much of Gods grace and provision go before us as we have started our travels to Oaxaca. We prayed our bags into being checked, and prayed our way to our connection, as our flight from San Antonio to Houston grew more and more delayed and our layover window grew shorter and shorter.
I'm praising God for the peace and the panic as I get to see His love wash over me and the team every second of our travels. Till tomorrow,
From Keith
So excited to be heading to Oaxaca again to partner with my friend and former Tim Teamer Cisco Villasenor. Can’t express the joy of seeing the next generation training the next generation in discipleship. It’s the way it’s supposed to happen. Looking forward to watching God work through this team as we encounter many along the journey. Stay tuned and see the salvation of the Lord. May He be magnified at all times.
Thank you to those who are interceding for us on behalf of the people we will come in contact with. You are our most important asset as we become the feet of Jesus. Without you we would be ineffective. For without God we can do nothing. Keep on praying. Blessings!
From Keyshawn
I’m super excited to get this opportunity to minister to others in Oaxaca! For weeks my team and I have been preparing our hearts to be moved by God for His people. This is my second missionary trip, my first outside the country. I couldn’t be more joyful about how God will move through us towards others! I’m thankful for the prayers we received so far, from friends and family. These prayers have been a deep encouragement to me and it’s comforting to know how many people have lifted us up in prayers to the Lord!
From César
Yesterday morning, when we were preparing our hearts for our trip to Oaxaca, Arlie took time to read some prayers over us that had been sent in. I felt a wave of encouragement wash over me. Hearing prayers from familiar names and also names I did not know at all was a blessing that I did not know I needed before this trip. I am so thankful and blessed this morning to be able to reflect on those shared prayers. God has already moved and made His presence known to my team and me. I am excited to see all God has planned for us for this trip. God is writing an amazing story in Oaxaca, and I am blessed to be able to witness it.
Every day begins with a time of reading the Bible as a community around the breakfast table. Never touch the world, until the Word has touched you! It is impossible to do spiritual work without spiritual food. This practice will go with the team to Oaxaca, to be modeled before those we are partnering with. Tomorrow morning, they will read with Cisco and his team.
Before leaving the Fellowship House, our team members confessed any known sin and immersed themselves in our backyard mikvah pool. Priests serving God in either the Tabernacle or the Temple regularly submitted to ritual purification. To separate ourselves from the distractions of this environment and enter the service of God on the mission field we follow the patterns we see practiced in the Bible.
From Emma
As we sat around the table this morning for our morning Bible reading, Arlie took the time to share the prayers that so many have begun to pray over us. As he read them, one by one, a wave of peace passed over me. I was in awe at the beautiful prayers that people took the time to share, people I didn't know and people I knew very well. I am in awe by the love that has already been shown to our team. I am beyond grateful and thankful for every form it has taken. We have already seen much of Gods grace and provision go before us as we have started our travels to Oaxaca. We prayed our bags into being checked, and prayed our way to our connection, as our flight from San Antonio to Houston grew more and more delayed and our layover window grew shorter and shorter.
I'm praising God for the peace and the panic as I get to see His love wash over me and the team every second of our travels. Till tomorrow,
From Keith
So excited to be heading to Oaxaca again to partner with my friend and former Tim Teamer Cisco Villasenor. Can’t express the joy of seeing the next generation training the next generation in discipleship. It’s the way it’s supposed to happen. Looking forward to watching God work through this team as we encounter many along the journey. Stay tuned and see the salvation of the Lord. May He be magnified at all times.
Thank you to those who are interceding for us on behalf of the people we will come in contact with. You are our most important asset as we become the feet of Jesus. Without you we would be ineffective. For without God we can do nothing. Keep on praying. Blessings!
From Keyshawn
I’m super excited to get this opportunity to minister to others in Oaxaca! For weeks my team and I have been preparing our hearts to be moved by God for His people. This is my second missionary trip, my first outside the country. I couldn’t be more joyful about how God will move through us towards others! I’m thankful for the prayers we received so far, from friends and family. These prayers have been a deep encouragement to me and it’s comforting to know how many people have lifted us up in prayers to the Lord!
From César
Yesterday morning, when we were preparing our hearts for our trip to Oaxaca, Arlie took time to read some prayers over us that had been sent in. I felt a wave of encouragement wash over me. Hearing prayers from familiar names and also names I did not know at all was a blessing that I did not know I needed before this trip. I am so thankful and blessed this morning to be able to reflect on those shared prayers. God has already moved and made His presence known to my team and me. I am excited to see all God has planned for us for this trip. God is writing an amazing story in Oaxaca, and I am blessed to be able to witness it.
REPORT: Tuesday, February 26th
Today was preparation day for the Fellowship Team and their leaders. Packing was the primary order of business. Our teams travel light. If they cannot carry their personal supplies in a backpack onto the plane, it doesn't go at all. Checked baggage is reserved for program supplies, sleeping bags, and gifts.
For months, the Fellowship Team has been learning to tell the story of the Bible, one story at a time in creative ways. This mission trip will be their first opportunity to test drive their training. Cisco Villasenor is a catalyst for disciple-making movements in Oaxaca, Mexico. They have planted churches in the mountain villages surrounding the city. Most of the village pastors have had little formal biblical training. Our team is ready to come alongside Cisco to introduce our Bible storytelling strategies for evangelism and discipleship.
Today was preparation day for the Fellowship Team and their leaders. Packing was the primary order of business. Our teams travel light. If they cannot carry their personal supplies in a backpack onto the plane, it doesn't go at all. Checked baggage is reserved for program supplies, sleeping bags, and gifts.
For months, the Fellowship Team has been learning to tell the story of the Bible, one story at a time in creative ways. This mission trip will be their first opportunity to test drive their training. Cisco Villasenor is a catalyst for disciple-making movements in Oaxaca, Mexico. They have planted churches in the mountain villages surrounding the city. Most of the village pastors have had little formal biblical training. Our team is ready to come alongside Cisco to introduce our Bible storytelling strategies for evangelism and discipleship.

Support With A Donation
To fully fund this mission trip we are still asking the Lord for about $2,000.
Love In Red LettersI'll GoA PoemLearn, Test, Re-Learn, Re-Test in Times of WearinessPace of Grace, Part 1Canvas & ClayTeaching & TestingPace of Grace, Part 2Signal FireLearn, Test, Re-Learn, Re-Test - Part 2ObedienceA Word of RefugeA Day In The LifeFlowers Dressed In Blue2024 Oaxaca Mission TripFinding Solace in Psalm 143POV of a Fellowship TeamerA Daily Walk
Introducing EmmaIntroducing SydneyIntroducing JauhmarIntroducing CésarIntroducing KeyshawnA Man Called JobCome & SeeCommunityLife Is...What Are We Learning...Heavy Hearts, but Hope RemainsHead, Shoulder, Knees, and ToesThree DaysThe OasisGlory In the AshBelong, Believe, BecomeWonderful GodControl Is An IllusionA Rocky RoadWhat Is Love?Expect The Gospel To Be Fruitful
Forgotten Fire, Part 1What's Our Purpose?The Christian Life is not A + B = C.All I'm AfterLate BeginningsThere's Much Still Left to DoForgotten Fire, Part 2Law Versus GraceAdonaiA Month of GrowthHow Do I Define GrowthPersonal InventoryFaith?The CouncilAccountability UnseenCommunity - Forged Not FoundCommunity LifeA Growing BoyGrowth of My BrotherThe ProdigalA Look Into SydneyEmma - Bold, Confident, and Spirit Led
Father God, I lift up the mission team as they embark on this journey. Grant them wisdom and discernment. Guide their steps and decisions, allowing them to be instruments of your love in Oaxaca.
Soften the hearts and minds of those they will encounter, making them receptive to the message of hope and love they carry.
May the seeds of faith planted by the mission team take root and flourish in the hearts of all those they encounter.
I ask this in Jesus' name.
Almighty God, loving heavenly Father,
Thank you for who You are;
Thank you for the ways you work;
Thank you for using the redeemed to further your kingdom's work here on earth. I pray specifically for your blessing and empowerment of this team's preparations and this days plans. From their night's rest, to safety of travel by land and air, to divine protection through every phase of the day's activities. Unite their hearts and minds by your Spirit and the Word and allow the joy of the Lord to fill them all. All glory to You, Heavenly Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen
Father, thank You that You have gone before this team to prepare the way by Your Holy Spirit. Thank You that You will hold them in the palm of Your hand all the way through this mission. Open the spiritual eyes of those that they will encounter so that they can clearly hear the message of the Gospel and clearly see Your love for them through Jesus. Remind the team of the loving boldness that You call on all believers to exercise--boldness that invites but does not force. May this team have great expectations of not only what You will do in the people that they meet in Oaxaca but also of what You will do in the team members themselves for Your glory.
Heavenly Father- thank you for allowing us to participate in YOUR plan. I am thankful that YOU have given us the opportunity lift the team up in prayer. Please show up in mighty ways that are beyond our understanding to save the lost - encourage and build the team. Praying for the people YOU have chosen to hear the message. I pray that the team will seek and find YOU in all they do.
In Jesus' name AMEN
Heavenly Father,
Fill each team member afresh with your Holy Spirit. Grant them wisdom, power, and discernment as they make a difference in the furtherance of your kingdom. Drive back the enemy and protect your precious servants from all evil.
In Jesus' mighty and holy name!
Father, I lift up this Fellowship Team, the Missionaries and the people you will put in their paths. Please give all , your perfect travel mercies for the whole trip, and prepare their hearts for what your plan is ahead of them, that nothing will be snatched away from them. Please bless them to see your Holy Spirit working. I thank you and praise you for all you will accomplish in the days ahead!!! In Jesus name I ask these things.
Lord I pray that you'd guide and lead this team by your holy spirit. Help them to stay focused on you, confident and strong in you. Remind them of their hope and a future. I pray that as they travel today you'd prepare their hearts, minds, and bodies for what is ahead. Provide encouragement and hope for this team, bind them together in unity. Prepare the hearts of all those they are going to encounter, and use this time Lord for your glory!!
Emma, Keyshawn, César, and Keith,
I remember your preparations for your first mission trip together to help with fire recovery in Maui. You barely knew each other, and it was a very emotional time for you. It bonded you together very quickly. Now you're preparing to leave again on a much different journey. Our dear Andrii will be with you, and I expect this trip to be physically challenging in a different way than Maui. My prayers are for your travels, health, quiet times, and protection. I pray for Cisco, your translators, and his team as they introduce you to many new people and places. May you have many divine appointments and feel led by the Holy Spirit at every stop. I pray for many opportunities for games, meals, conversations, and worship. I pray that you will be a blessing as well as blessed, and that this will be a meaningful and memorable experience you'll never forget as you show many the love of the Lord. I'll be praying for you daily and can't wait to hear all about what the Lord is doing through you and with you.
¡Que Dios los bendiga y los guarde!
Praying for logistics in your flights, as you go through customs, and in personal health, that nothing will get in the way of your ministry. That you will learn quickly in the inevitable adjustments needed that you can depend on the sovereign power of God, and that you can do nothing in your own strength. He is worthy of any hardship you may encounter, and be blessed as you see the great things that God can do. Let anyone who sees you on the entire trip say, " he/she must have been with Jesus."
Heavenly Father,
We lift up your team as they embark on their journey of sharing your word today.
Grant them the courage and confidence they need to step up to each door, knowing they carry the message of hope and love.
Fill them with your Holy Spirit, grant them the wisdom to discern the needs of each encounter, the clarity to articulate your message effectively, and the compassion to connect with hearts, even across cultural and language barriers. Open the hearts and minds of those they meet.
Thank you, Lord, for their dedication and sacrifice. May their work be a testament to your unwavering love.
In Jesus name, Amen
Father, please be with the team today. May they firstvbe unified in you then with each other. Prepare the hearts of those they will share the gospel with today...that they will see their need for Yeshua. I offer this prayer into Your will and Yeshua's name..amen
In your Holy Name, go before these mighty servants and unite them in their pursuit of you as they move boldly in each others stories that they may share the Word of your good news in power and in grace with all those they encounter. Please grant them engagement from your Holy Spirit to reach where you meet them in attunement to their surroundings, and all their relationships. Bring this we pray so that your will not ours be done.
The power of the Holy Spirit will flow and go with you guys in everything you do and touch, physically and spiritually. You are protected by the Most High King and the seeds you sow today will be harvested by those who God has been trying to reach. Such a magnificent blessing to magnify the Kingdom of God into the lives in need. God bless you on your journey, in Jesus name, Amen.
Loving Father, Thank You for Who and all that You are! Thank You that Your Son is the Alpha and Omega, and it is in His Name I ask for the empowerment and blessing of the Holy Spirit upon this team's mission today (Thursday) and into Friday. I am asking according your will for the preparation of hearts to hear and to heed Your Word; for the supply of every need that the team and all those assisting them in this work have; for the protection of life and health; for the consolation and assurance that families and friends need during the time of their absence from home. I am thanking and praising Your holy Name now for the outcome of their endeavors on Your behalf today and tomorrow.
In the matchless Name of Jesus I pray. Amen
May you have divine appointments, finding hearts open to the Good News of Jesus, the Savior of the World. I pray for boldness as you knock on doors, not knowing what may be on the other side. I pray for unity of the Holy Spirit as you find fellowship with the family of faith and develop relationships with your interpreters and the local church. Father, grant rest and good health tonight. You are worthy of our worship and praise.
Father, as people open their doors to the team, may they also be opening their hearts to the greatest story of Your Son. May that open door and open heart lead to an eternal future that only Jesus can provide. Thank You that You want this for them even more than they can imagine. And may the team be showered with love and wisdom so that the message is clear and inviting to the hearers.
Father in Heaven,
You are truly the God of all mercy, comfort, and grace. Thank you for this fruitful journey of these young people with a heart for the gospel. All glory to your name for all the wonderful works they get to see, do, and experience. They are truly making a difference against the kingdom of darkness and for the kingdom of Light. May they continue to be guided in sensitivity to your Holy Spirit. Continue to protect, prosper, and provide every need of their mission.
In Jesus' mighty name!
Loving Heavenly Father,
Thank you for joy and privilege of coming to you in prayer. Thank you for so many evidences of answered prayer and I bring the mission team and all the support ministries before You today and ask for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the protection and provision of the Holy Spirit, and the spiritual joy of the mission they are on. Loving Father, thank you for Your Word, both written and living, and I pray for its eternal impact upon those who share it and those who hear it today. May the residents of Oaxaca know that the disciple team has been with Jesus, and draw many into Your kingdom today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Almighty God and loving, Heavenly Father, Thank you for making me Your son and knowing my name. Thank you for the ministry of prayer and the liberty I have to come before You on behalf of the ministry team in Oaxaca, Mexico. I lift them up, as well as, all the support ministries contributing to this endeavor. As the team goes about their mission plan for Sunday, lead and direct in every aspect according to Your divine plan for each and every one, both sharers of the Word and the hearers of the Word. Prepare the hearts of all those to whom the team will minister to Sunday afternoon. May Your Holy Spirit enliven Your Word within every heart that hears and receives. Thank You for blessing every effort on Your behalf and may all glory be Yours, I ask in Jesus' Name, amen.
I pray for the team today. Prepare their hearts and minds for what is ahead. Please continue to guide their steps Holy Spirit. Guard their hearts and minds from the enemy and help them to remain focused on you. I pray that each of the team members would be a vessel for your use. Use their gifts today to minister to those they encounter. Keep them steadfast in prayer and remind them of the deep love you have for them and those they are with!!
God brings you all to mind before dawn daily ,and throughout the days. This for prayer for your needs and protection in addition to the Gospel going out saving souls! I'm praising God for the gift of a window, from here, of the many answers God is providing!!!
God bless you Emma, Keyshawn, Cesar, Andrii and Keith
Holy Father God I lift up this mission team to you. Please bless them with your encouragement, perfect travel mercies and renewed strength. Bless the people you bring in their path with understanding of your truth being shared with them. Also bless the missionaries, pastors and the translators in their ministry for you, Lord!!! In Jesus name I ask these things; And Praise you for all the answers!!!
Father.. thank You for being with this team and continue to guide them as they as they introduce You to those who don't know who You are and how wonderful You are. Prepare hearts ahead of time to receive You. May Your will be done....in Messiahs name....amen
Loving and merciful and Almighty Heavenly Father, I love You and thank You for always being attentive to my (our) prayers and welcoming me (us) into Your presence as precious children. I lift the missions team and all the supportive staff and ministries to You today for divine strength, protection, provision, empowerment, and blessing. Holy Spirt, I love You and ask Your divine direction upon every effort from Your servants to the minds and hearts of those who hear. I praise You for the testimony of Your working already during the days of this endeavor and I praise You for the blessings to come! Holy Father, care for and protect the families and supportive friends of each ministry team member and may Your kingdom come and Your will be done today and in the days ahead for Your eternal glory. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.
Father, I know that sometimes we think of people living in kind of primitive situations as being different from we who live in more "advanced" situations. But in reality we all share the most basic need--the need for the Savior and for a secure relationship and future with You. By Your Holy Spirit, cause people in the villages to be aware of their need. And by Your Holy Spirit give the team the wisdom and the words and the love to make clear to the people the Gospel and salvation to eternal life by Jesus.
Loving Heavenly Father,
Thank You for the welcome we have to come before in prayer and worship and praise. I pray for the remaining days of outreach in and around Oaxaca. Holy Spirit, move upon the hearts of the hearers and fill the hearts of those serving with boldness, grace, strength, and peace. I give You praise for the many blessings thus far and for the many testimonies of Your servants! Fill the hearts of Your local pastors and workers with increasing vision and fervency for Your work. Loving Father, give the team grace and strength and provision for their return. In Jesus' Name, amen.
Abba....I lift up this wonderful team to You on this last full day if their mission trip. Its going to be long and full. Please give them Your strength to finish strong in their work for You. Be with the lives they have ministered to...May Your will be done. In Jesus name...amen
Loving Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Who You are and all that You do! I worship You and pray for the final day of physical ministry of the team and all the supporting ministries. I pray for the ongoing spiritual ministry of all You have done in recent days! All glory to You!
In Jesus name, Amen.