She said, "Yes."

She said, "Yes!"

Parents should be proud to watch their children leave home and walk as disciples of Jesus.  
Parents Who Discipled
Last night, Noemí (my wife) spoke with a friend about her daughter. She is now across the country in her first year of college. The Lord is at work in her daughter's life, and it's a joy for our friend to watch. We've known this woman and her husband for many years, witnessing how they have invested in their two children. They intentionally discipled them when they were young. Now that they are older, there is immense pride in watching their nearly ready-to-adult children say "yes" to those things the Lord places in front of them.
Last week, one of the young men I have discipled taught in the Sunday School class we both attend. Adam was raised well. His parents are in the class and sit under Adam's teaching about once a month. Time after time, at a very early age, Adam said "Yes" to God's leading in his life. Paul and Barbara have many reasons to be proud of their son.
Miriam Was Raised Right
It wasn't lost on me that Adam's lesson in the Carpenter's Class covered the announcement Miriam received from Gabriel in Luke 1:26-38. Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Yeshua. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord will give Him the throne of His father David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His Kingdom shall have no end."

By the time this announcement was made to Miriam, she was already bound to Yoseph as his wife. In 1st-century Israel, girls were considered marriageable at twelve to fourteen years of age, so Miriam had to have been very young. Her betrothed, Yoseph, was likely in his late teens to early twenties. Miriam and Yoseph were raised right. They grew up in homes led by "remnant" Jews who were looking for Israel's Messiah to appear at any moment.

Miriam's Example For Emerging Adults Today
Let me ask you a couple of questions. How would you respond to the news that your daughter was pregnant by the Holy Spirit and would deliver the expected Son of God in a few short months? Nothing is ever said in the Bible about Miriam's parents. But their spiritual DNA was displayed in Miriam's reply to Gabriel's announcement. Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.
Years before her son would be crucified, buried, and resurrected from the dead, Miriam recognized that she had been bought as a servant of the Most High God. Let's be honest, parents. We have a crucial role in training the next generation to say "yes" to what God will ask them to do. Do they understand, like Miriam, that their lives are not their own to spend on themselves?
Parents & Grandparents
We want to help you put the final touches on your children before they become fully immersed in adulthood. Disciple Daily is looking for a few young people, 22 - 26 years old, to participate in an eight-month discipleship training program called The Fellowship. This program is a unique opportunity for your children to grow in their faith and echo Miriam's response to God's calling on her life. She said, "Yes!" If your children were raised right, they may say" yes" to this opportunity. Please give them the freedom to follow your example.  
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