February 6th, 2024
by Jauhmar Ellick
by Jauhmar Ellick

Author - Jauhmar Ellick
Wassup Y’all! This week I am writing about how a disciple of Jesus imitates His life and character. I’ve shared before about the emotional roller coaster I have been on during my time at The Fellowship House. Habitual sins that I have continued to hold on to led to me almost being dismissed from this program. I have no one to blame but myself.
BUT GOD! He loves me and He is always there. You may be wondering, “Well what does that have to do with the prompt?” There’s times in our lives when we look for someone to just come and sit with us. When no one is there, Jesus is. I’ll say my biggest flaw is that I don’t recognize that fact. I push back against Him and others. I don't trust the people Jesus surrounds me with in my times of struggle. I give grief to those who want to help me. I know there are people out there who are desperately trying to imitate Jesus for me the best way they can. Loving me the best way they know how. But, sometimes they’re a little funky and weird. At the same time, they are growing too.
Ephesians 5:1-2a says “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.” Each day we should be striving to live like Christ, especially when difficult situations rear their ugly head. It's our duty to love each other because love extinguishes all hate, the primary weapon of the Devil. Hate and fear divides people. Love in the middle of conflict reveals the real children of God. We aren’t called to have division and separate ourselves from one another. We are called to come alongside our brothers or sisters in Christ to confront hard issues in love, hard love.
I've written a poem about how we all were before we came to Christ and what happened when we met Him, to become who we are now.
Two Nights
Twas the night before Christ was born,
there was sin all through the lands.
trying to pick and grab at my hands.
The DRUNKS n DECEIVERS get along so well,
they look so much alike it’s like I could hardly even tell.
Are they drunk off booze or hungover from the lies?!?
When they open their mouths all I see is flies!!
The IDOLATERS worshiping Satan as always,
doing things like what I used to do back in dem hallways!
The ABUSERS n LUSTERS shouldn’t be the ones I worry about.
Except then they gonna pout! Cry! Scream! (Kick me in the head ) and shout,
Or choke me out, like how that boy Debo did Craig.
All I see is SINNERS from the left to the right.
I just want to close my eyes. There’s just so many TEMPTATIONERS everywhere in sight!!!
I’m just looking for some type of hope that’s all that I need.
I’m tired of getting bullied and punched around, it feels like I’m fightin’ Creed!
Then I saw a star, a star shining so bright!
Darkness couldn’t understand it, like good ol Kryptonite!
He’s here! He’s here! The Savior of the world!
He’s here to save every Man, Woman, Boy and Girl!!!
His name is Jesus, He came to turn the world upside down.
He came to save YOU, so YOU wouldn’t have to drown.
He says, “Come to Me” all who are heavy burdened and needin’ rest
Put your Faith and Trust in Me, you’ll survive this test!
You’ll be able to do works that I’ve done, and even greater!
Putting your Faith and Trust in Me you’ll be filled with Light, not out here lookin like Darth Vader!
I’m here to tell you some things that I hope you'll receive.
Words are BOLD and POWERFUL, I hope that you can believe…
Since I’m the Savior, you’re saved.
Since I’m the Light, you’re a light.
Since I’m the Friend, you’re a friend.
Since I’m Substance, you’re substance.
Since I’m the Shepherd, you’re a shepherd.
Since I’m the Servant, you’re a servant.
Since I’m the Sin-Eraser, your sin is erased.
Since I’m the Listener, you’re a listener.
Since I’m the StoryTeller. you’re a storyteller.
Since I’m the Life, you have life (if you believe).
Since I’m the King, you’re a king.
(I ain’t forgot about you sis, don’t take it as a diss. Since I’m a king you’re a queen!)
Now it was the night that Christ was born and all through the lands
all singing praises to the LORD while hugging and holding each other's hands!
Galatians 2:20
My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
James 1:22-24
But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.For if you listen to the Word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.
Wassup Y’all! This week I am writing about how a disciple of Jesus imitates His life and character. I’ve shared before about the emotional roller coaster I have been on during my time at The Fellowship House. Habitual sins that I have continued to hold on to led to me almost being dismissed from this program. I have no one to blame but myself.
BUT GOD! He loves me and He is always there. You may be wondering, “Well what does that have to do with the prompt?” There’s times in our lives when we look for someone to just come and sit with us. When no one is there, Jesus is. I’ll say my biggest flaw is that I don’t recognize that fact. I push back against Him and others. I don't trust the people Jesus surrounds me with in my times of struggle. I give grief to those who want to help me. I know there are people out there who are desperately trying to imitate Jesus for me the best way they can. Loving me the best way they know how. But, sometimes they’re a little funky and weird. At the same time, they are growing too.
Ephesians 5:1-2a says “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.” Each day we should be striving to live like Christ, especially when difficult situations rear their ugly head. It's our duty to love each other because love extinguishes all hate, the primary weapon of the Devil. Hate and fear divides people. Love in the middle of conflict reveals the real children of God. We aren’t called to have division and separate ourselves from one another. We are called to come alongside our brothers or sisters in Christ to confront hard issues in love, hard love.
I've written a poem about how we all were before we came to Christ and what happened when we met Him, to become who we are now.
Two Nights
Twas the night before Christ was born,
there was sin all through the lands.
trying to pick and grab at my hands.
The DRUNKS n DECEIVERS get along so well,
they look so much alike it’s like I could hardly even tell.
Are they drunk off booze or hungover from the lies?!?
When they open their mouths all I see is flies!!
The IDOLATERS worshiping Satan as always,
doing things like what I used to do back in dem hallways!
The ABUSERS n LUSTERS shouldn’t be the ones I worry about.
Except then they gonna pout! Cry! Scream! (Kick me in the head ) and shout,
Or choke me out, like how that boy Debo did Craig.
All I see is SINNERS from the left to the right.
I just want to close my eyes. There’s just so many TEMPTATIONERS everywhere in sight!!!
I’m just looking for some type of hope that’s all that I need.
I’m tired of getting bullied and punched around, it feels like I’m fightin’ Creed!
Then I saw a star, a star shining so bright!
Darkness couldn’t understand it, like good ol Kryptonite!
He’s here! He’s here! The Savior of the world!
He’s here to save every Man, Woman, Boy and Girl!!!
His name is Jesus, He came to turn the world upside down.
He came to save YOU, so YOU wouldn’t have to drown.
He says, “Come to Me” all who are heavy burdened and needin’ rest
Put your Faith and Trust in Me, you’ll survive this test!
You’ll be able to do works that I’ve done, and even greater!
Putting your Faith and Trust in Me you’ll be filled with Light, not out here lookin like Darth Vader!
I’m here to tell you some things that I hope you'll receive.
Words are BOLD and POWERFUL, I hope that you can believe…
Since I’m the Savior, you’re saved.
Since I’m the Light, you’re a light.
Since I’m the Friend, you’re a friend.
Since I’m Substance, you’re substance.
Since I’m the Shepherd, you’re a shepherd.
Since I’m the Servant, you’re a servant.
Since I’m the Sin-Eraser, your sin is erased.
Since I’m the Listener, you’re a listener.
Since I’m the StoryTeller. you’re a storyteller.
Since I’m the Life, you have life (if you believe).
Since I’m the King, you’re a king.
(I ain’t forgot about you sis, don’t take it as a diss. Since I’m a king you’re a queen!)
Now it was the night that Christ was born and all through the lands
all singing praises to the LORD while hugging and holding each other's hands!
Galatians 2:20
My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
James 1:22-24
But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.For if you listen to the Word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like.
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